
The graph
The specs right now
Garret GT30 turbo (2st)
1200cc spridare
Fuelrail GTM
Bosch bränsletrycksregulatorer (2st)
Dubbla walbro bränslepumpar i armatur från GTM
Fullflödes retur-bränslesystem
Haltech styrsystem
GTM intercooler
Tial wastegate 40mm (2st)
Tial dumpventil 50mm
Oljekylare Setrab
Avgassystemet specialbyggt gjort av 2x3”rostfritt material (1 rör per motorsida, V6)
Good day to own a 350Z
This time the car delivered.... 814 hp and 1060 Nm!!!!! What about that! That's insane dude! And what a curve - Turbo Center has removed all the drops between 3800 rpm - to the end! Meaning the car now has full effect from just above 4000 rpm! Anyone got more power than that in a 350Z then let us know!
This calls for a Top Gear spot, right!!!
This week

Picture by Dan, Turbo Center Stockholm.
A new week, and the team at Turbo Center are up and running again. Lot's of things to do, the list is long in the quest of brutal street performance.
Another upgrade, this time it's the new drive shafts - performance needs high quality racing ds. This is a weak link and we had to do something about it. These new ones are shipped från the states and during the first test they really performed well!
This is insane!

Picture by Dan, Turbo Center Stockholm.
Ok, this is just what this project is about. Do you know what this is? Take a closer look att the lid, that'll tell you!
When there is no room left for the windshield washer fluid container you just have to custom build a new one, right! That´'s what we've done.
This custom built container now sits in the front a bit higher up an is a bit smaller than the original one - insane right!
Told ya'!
What's this fuzz about carbon?

Picture by Dan, Turbo Center Stockholm.
Ok, so we had a carbon intake, so what! Ok, it broke to pieces during the tests, so what! Then you just have got to build a new one - an even better one!
So, this is the new intake - custom made to stand the huge amout of pressure changes that this amount of power ends up with. Custom built by Turbo Center using parts from a Cosworth intake. This one stands the test, take our word for it!
The new rims

Picture by Dan, Turbo Center Stockholm.
Here they are! The new rims running this season. Smoken' fresh picture from Turbo Center! Do you know the make and model? Before we tell you that we'll leave som room for you guys to guess! Let's just say these are not heavy at all!
And of course, fitted with Toyo tires - racing it is!
The dp (director of photography)
Custom built
What it's about

Engine performance

The goal in this project is not only to create an extremly powerful car but also to create a combination of performance parts that work all together - and doesn't stop working. We can't have a car that brakes down or goes into failure mode when it is pushed to the limit.
The team responsible for the performace is Turbo Center Stockholm. They have long experience in the art of performance cars, yes it can really be seen as an art. There is so much that can go wrong when releasing the huge amount of power and torque that a car like this i capable of.
Turbo Center Stockholm are one of - if not the most - well known Swedish performance shop, simply because they make performance work. It's not about who has the most power on paper - it's about delivering at the top of the game during the minutes that counts. On the track, during drifting or during a show.
The Nizmo 350Z project
Join us in this vision, this dream of pure street performance. It's not just about tuning a car, it's more than that. It is about joining ideas from all over the world into one car. That's the Nizmo 350Z project.
It's run by Jim, the man behind all of this. The man with the vision and the love for perfomance and quality. Behind him stands a team of experts who all are devoted to making this dream real - to ensure quality and not just making it another styling project with too much talk and way too little performance.
The why
This is simply a vision of pure street perfomance. The vision of building a car with power beyond all reason - and that works. Many have tried and many can asure that it ain't easy.
The project has been running since 2008 - but now it's time to show what has been done. What this is all about. The dream and the vision coming together.
We are not just dedicated to the making of this car - we are also as devoted to making it availible for you. We will do this because the project has a lot of followers, all over the world. We want even more people to be able to take part in what is going on with this. It's simply a very exciting car.
The team
As much as this is about a car, it's also about the people behind this project. A thing like this can never be a one man show. That simply is not possible. When so much has to come together, sometimes very complex aspects, a project needs experts.
During the season we will introduce you to the guys behind the making of all of this. We'll save that for now. Let´s just say that this is a Swedish project including an asian car.
We are not trying to make this bigger than it is - we are showing you how big this actually is...
Over and out for now!